Archive | May, 2013

Jet diffuser

30 May

Jet diffuser

Instead of replacing the entire jet, quite often the diffuser will correct the problem. Poor water chemistry can destroy the diffuser and cause the jet to pop out of the jet body. This part will snap on to your Waterway jet and fix your problem. We have several different sizes available.

Cyclone Sand Filter

27 May

aqua Coastal cyclone sand now stocks the complete line of parts for the Aqua Coastal Cyclone Sand Filter. We have the laterals, valves, orings, gauges, and 7 position multi ports. All parts are in stock and ready to ship. Call our assistance line at 210-650-4034

Can I run my pump without water?

12 May

ECOWaterway pumps should never operate without water. The pump seal assembly in the pump volute (area between the strainer basket and the pump motor) protects the pump motor from pool water. This seal assembly gets hot and is cooled by the pool water. If the pump is running without water, the seal will overheat and melt, if left running without water for a long period of time, the heat generated could damage the PVC pipe and other system components.