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Waterway Sand filter laterals

8 May

If your pool has Waterway Sand filter it goes without saying that the sand should stay in the filter. If you see it blowing out into the pool, something is broken. The most common problem is a cracked lateral, which is one of the perforated pipes at the bottom of the filter tank  that catches water that has circulated through the sand. Laterals are proprietary , meaning you will need the exact “brand” to replace. Laterals also come in different styles too. Some Waterway laterals are “thread in” and some are “twist lock” Most Waterway laterals changed to “twist lock” in 2004. We are describing the method in which they connect into the manifold at the bottom of the “stand pipe”

Waterway Carefree sand filters (16” and 19” diameter tanks) and all Waterway Clearwater tanks (16”, 19”, 22”, and 26”) use 505-1930 Thread style or 505-1950 twist lock. The color of the part is not important, just to make it more complicated both styles have the same part number engraved into it. It is very clear which one is needed when you remove the old one.

The complete assembly is also available at http://www.waterwayparts.comIMG_1418IMG_1419IMG_1420

Clearwater pressure gauge parts

18 Dec

Pressure gauge Adapter Fitting 519-7431 is a double threaded reducer bushing, 1/2″ x 1/4″, to attach the pressure gauge (sold separately) to the ClearWater II pool filter tank. 1/4″ FPT threads accept the pressure gauge and 1/2″ MPT threads pass to the inside of the tank, where they are secured by a large Wing Nut (519-7441)ZWWY2127


Waterway Pump Trap Lid

8 Jan

Waterway pumps often have a “leaf trap” in front of the “pump”. Homeowners describe this as a “pre filter”, “basket”, or just plain “pump”. The see-through lid has been re designed, however, they are interchangeable.


There is a small decal on the center of the lid. It may have a “W” on it, or it may be an American flag. Both have part numbers on them, however, the numbers are for the decal itself not the lid.

808-3150.1008 and 808-3150.0413 are part numbers for decals.

Since 2014 the  replacement lid part number is 319-4100

The “new ” lid is two pieces and easier to remove. Again, they are interchangeable and both require the exact same o-ring  805-0436

What’s a weir?

27 Nov

The “weir” is the flapper door on your thru wall skimmer. The weir serves three basic functions:

(1) It prevents debris from flowing back out into the pool once it’s captured, essentially functioning like a check value.

(2) It moderates the flow into the skimmer as water rises and falls so that it receives enough water to function, but not so much that it floods.

(3) It ensures that the top ½ inch of water flows into the skimmer.(that is where all the dirt starts)


Skimmer weir doors are specific to each manufacturer. These examples are for both standard and widemouth aboveground pool Waterway skimmers.  In-ground Waterway Renegade skimmers use a different part number. All skimmer weir doors,and skimmer baskets are available at


What price to repair Waterway Valve?

23 Oct

There are a few different methods to repair your Waterway multi-port 7 position valve.

Of course the least expensive way is also the most labor intensive. You can purchase the “spider gasket” only , Part 711-1910B, for about $15. However, you will need to remove the valve internals, clean off the diverter, and the difficult part is attaching the new gasket to the old diverter. Waterway suggests this method for seasoned pool professionals only. You may also purchase the “plug” , which is the spider gasket attached to the diverter from the factory , this costs $36 (Part 600-9500b). The easiest and most successful method is to replace the “key cover” (Part 600-9600b). You simply remove the bolts from the top of the valve and pull out the old internals and install the new ones. A notch in the cover prevents you from installing it in the wrong position. The key cover will get you a new spring, handle, lid o-ring, spider gasket, and washers. Cost  600-9600B is $85. Although the entire new valve is $110,  you will need to disconnect all the hoses on the filter and risk breaking the tank internal laterals to replace entire valve.  If your leak is  a cracked valve body (from over tightened fittings or freeze damage) you may not have a choice. All these parts are available at



16 Jun

ECO-KLEER FONT can help you with your Eco-Kleer sand filter. If you need a parts list or replacement parts we ask you email your requests to

Because some of the parts may change from year model it is always helpful to include a image of your particular filter system.

Sand in your filter should be changed every 3-5 years. This might be a good time to inspect the laterals in the bottom of your tank to be sure they have not developed any cracks. If you have been getting sand shot back into your pool this could be the problem.

There are other issues that can cause the same problem. If the “spider gasket” in your top mount multi port valve is worn , or the spring in the valve is weak, or you have incorrectly attached your filter hoses you may also see sand on the bottom of your above ground pool. has all the parts needed to repair the multi-port valve or you may want to just purchase an entire new valve. Just email any questions to

Why only replacing the valve internals is a good idea…

25 Jan

1. You do not remove valve from tank.
2. No plumbing needs to be disconnected.
3. Only six bolts are removed. Internals lift straight out.
4. Job only takes 5 minutes.

However, if the valve body is cracked this will not repair the leak. If your valve is leaking out the backwash port when the valve is on filter, this is the easiest fix. Entire valve WVS003 cost $109.99 or the “key cover” $84.99 Part number 600-9600


Eco Kleer cartridge filter repair

4 Jun

How to change the pressure gauge on your Clearwater II or Eco Kleer cartridge filter tank.

This recessed gauge  830-4000ss must be removed from inside the tank lid.

There will be two o-rings, one on the inside of the lid and one under the gauge on the outside of the lid. The other 2 plastic parts are 519-7431 (the threaded adapter)  and 519-7441 the lock nut. All the parts are in stock at

Waterway Pump Trap lid

5 Mar

New Pro Clean Lids

5 Apr

This might get a little complicated. The “old “style Pro Clean lids (on right) are no longer available. They have been replaced with the Pro Clean Plus lid ( on left). However , you will need to order it with the “old ” lock ring.