Archive | March, 2022

Waterway Gunite measuring tool

26 Mar

This Waterway measuring tool is specifically made for the “Storm” Gunite ranges: Mini StormPoly Storm and Power Storm installations. It cuts the 1-inch air hose of the installation to the correct length to fit the corresponding wall fitting.

Each side of the tool is dedicated to the length of the range to be installed, Mini, Poly and Power Storm (see photos 1 ,2, and 3).

The tool also serves as a handy spanner for tightening and loosening the Mini Storm and Poly Storm massage jets, as the four notches on the front panel fit into those on the wall fitting.

Part numbers
Waterway : 218-1960A available at

Replacement for Rec Warehouse Turbo Jet?

8 Mar

With some modifications this might work

The Rec Warehouse “Turbo Jet” is no longer manufactured. The large wall cutout (4.75″ diameter) is larger than any conventional above ground pool return. This “Old Faithful” jet is as close as you are going to get.

The faceplates and gaskets are the same size. They are designed for the same size wall cut out.

You will also need a few more wall gaskets ( 711-7300), some 1/2″ pvc to make the air channel, and a 2″ slip to 1.5″ hose adapter fitting.

Obsolete “Turbo Jet”

A few parts for the “old” style Turbo Jet and the entire replacement fitting 210-7310 are available at