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What’s a weir?

27 Nov

The “weir” is the flapper door on your thru wall skimmer. The weir serves three basic functions:

(1) It prevents debris from flowing back out into the pool once it’s captured, essentially functioning like a check value.

(2) It moderates the flow into the skimmer as water rises and falls so that it receives enough water to function, but not so much that it floods.

(3) It ensures that the top ½ inch of water flows into the skimmer.(that is where all the dirt starts)


Skimmer weir doors are specific to each manufacturer. These examples are for both standard and widemouth aboveground pool Waterway skimmers.  In-ground Waterway Renegade skimmers use a different part number. All skimmer weir doors,and skimmer baskets are available at


Vinyl liner in ground pool skimmer

14 Dec


SKIMMER LIDS: Some come with screws, useful in high winds. If your skimmer lids take flight in high winds, place a heavy stone on top, or bolt on a divers weight to the underside, or just use the screws. Also dangerous are broken lids. Replace a broken skimmer lid before someone steps on it and breaks an ankle! Skimmer lids or covers are unique to each particular skimmer; find your replacement and correct color in our skimmer parts department.

Skimmer Weir and Parts
SKIMMER WEIRS: If your skimmer weir (the flapper door or gate) has broken loose, replace it with new. The weir is a very important skimmer part; it creates a small waterfall into the basket which speeds up water flow, drawing more debris in. The weir also helps to keep debris in the skimmer well when the pump shuts off. Weir doors also come in several colors.