Archive | June, 2018


16 Jun

ECO-KLEER FONT can help you with your Eco-Kleer sand filter. If you need a parts list or replacement parts we ask you email your requests to

Because some of the parts may change from year model it is always helpful to include a image of your particular filter system.

Sand in your filter should be changed every 3-5 years. This might be a good time to inspect the laterals in the bottom of your tank to be sure they have not developed any cracks. If you have been getting sand shot back into your pool this could be the problem.

There are other issues that can cause the same problem. If the “spider gasket” in your top mount multi port valve is worn , or the spring in the valve is weak, or you have incorrectly attached your filter hoses you may also see sand on the bottom of your above ground pool. has all the parts needed to repair the multi-port valve or you may want to just purchase an entire new valve. Just email any questions to