Archive | October, 2018

What price to repair Waterway Valve?

23 Oct

There are a few different methods to repair your Waterway multi-port 7 position valve.

Of course the least expensive way is also the most labor intensive. You can purchase the “spider gasket” only , Part 711-1910B, for about $15. However, you will need to remove the valve internals, clean off the diverter, and the difficult part is attaching the new gasket to the old diverter. Waterway suggests this method for seasoned pool professionals only. You may also purchase the “plug” , which is the spider gasket attached to the diverter from the factory , this costs $36 (Part 600-9500b). The easiest and most successful method is to replace the “key cover” (Part 600-9600b). You simply remove the bolts from the top of the valve and pull out the old internals and install the new ones. A notch in the cover prevents you from installing it in the wrong position. The key cover will get you a new spring, handle, lid o-ring, spider gasket, and washers. Cost  600-9600B is $85. Although the entire new valve is $110,  you will need to disconnect all the hoses on the filter and risk breaking the tank internal laterals to replace entire valve.  If your leak is  a cracked valve body (from over tightened fittings or freeze damage) you may not have a choice. All these parts are available at