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Spa pump cord

16 Jan

Your spa control power cord is dedicated to your model of control and must be re-used on your new pump. New pumps most often ship without a power cord

Remove the cord from your old pump, and note, (take a pic with your phone) the wire color going to high speed or low speed terminals on any motor, the color is set or determined by the maker of the spa control, not by the pump or motor manufacturer. Before you remove the power cord from your old pump, look at the old motor wiring label and make a note of what color goes to high, and to low. Then, put the cord on your new motor/pump, using the same color for high as on the old motor and also for low speed wiring.



pump wire

Bullfrog Spa Cartridge

11 May

The new Bullfrog Spa cartridges are coreless. From 2017 models on, the cartridge will

require a re-usable core. The cartridge part only is Part #10-00281 for the STIL model.

There is also model 10-00282 for the A,R and X series spas. All are available at

10-00281 C

The cage core only is part # 10-0041710-00417

Bullfrog Spa calf jet 10-1342

15 Mar
This jet should be replaced with 10-1343

This jet should be replaced with 10-1343

New replacement jet 10-1343This directional jet (lower) is the replacement jet. Available at as part # 10-1343

Choosing the right Waterway spa pump….

12 Jan

IMG_2278To ensure the correct replacement, check the “nameplate” of your old pump, located on the side of the motor. The main information to look for on this label is:   Frame Size  (48 or 56)

Volts  (115 or 230)




Also, we will need the measurement (outside thread) of the intake and the discharge. Is the discharge Vertical? Horizontal?